More samples from the Bitcoin voiceover
Here is a small selection from the hundreds of videos I have voiced in my professional career so far.
Frommees: The Story of Mr. F by Hit en Run on Vimeo.
Promotional video for EU1 voiced by Martijn Warnas on Vimeo.
BRAVEHEART by Alpha Producties on Vimeo.
Fencs Corporate Film by Verdaasdonk-AV on Vimeo.
So you get the idea: I do a lot of this stuff. In fact, IT IS ALL I DO. I serve over 150 customers a year, averaging 300 + projects annually. (If I actually posted all of them on my various websites, I'd lose an entire month out of the year!)
You can check out my Youtube playlist here.
(If you can understand Dutch, you could check out this one, with over 85 examples to date.)
I offer great, personal service and I am very affordable. Ask me for a quote! Mail me at A free sample is never a problem, so send along some text of your latest project!